DIMITRIOS PATELIS, Assistant Professor,

Department of Sciences,

Technical University of Crete.

“Critical Cognition Situation as a Spectrum of Possibilities; A Philosophical and Methodological Approach”.


In: Sfendoni-Mentzou, ed. (2008). Philosophy of Science. University of Thessaloniki Press, pp. 73-82.


Critical Cognition Situations derive from the development of scientific research, from the developing knowledge as a process governed by laws. The spectrum of its possibilities includes the risk of destructive tendencies, as well as the perspective of creative development. This is projected on Critical Cognition Situations which appear in Science History as complicated multilevel phenomena, as a result of internal and external factors interaction. Internal factors are described by: 1. the structure, the character, the properties and the development level of the object as a system or a totality. 2. the theoretical and methodological level of the already achieved scientific knowledge and 3. the theoretical and methodological level of the subject of the research activity. Crisis in this case, is combined to the exhaustion of the heuristic potential of the previous theoretical and methodological basis of the research. External factors are combined to the contemporary historic and cultural situations, social needs, interests etc. The precise diagnosis of the Critical Cognition Situation through the logical-methodological analysis of it provides the ability of an increasive development of the research. The goal of a research is considered as the missing element of a system of knowledge which has bean already achieved and leads to the transformation of this system. This demands the appropriate subjective terms, mainly the formation of a new research subject through a transformation of the strategy and the tactics of a superior research program spectrum.